Welcome to our big family :)

Pelantikan Local Board

ALSA LC Unsyiah


Universitas Gajah Mada


ALSA LC Unsyiah 2013-2014

Sunday 3 November 2013

Tampak Gambar SItuasi Pelaksanaan OLMA 8

FOTO: One Day with ALSA

Wednesday 23 October 2013

14 National Chapter (NC) and 13 Local Chapter (LC) of ALSA

14 National Chapter of ALSA:

1. the Republic of Indonesia
2. Thailand
3. the Philippines
4. Singapore
5. Malaysia
6. Japan
7. China
8. South Korea
9. Brunei Darussalam
10. Hongkong
11. Taiwan 
12. Vietnam
13. Laos 
14. Sri Lanka (newest NC, recently joined in the ALSA Forum, August 2013 in Philippines)

13 Local Chapter of ALSA NC Indonesia: 

1. Syiahkuala University, Aceh
2. Sriwijaya University, Palembang
3. University of Indonesia, Depok
4. Padjadjaran University, Bandung
5. Brawijaya University, Malang
6. Jember University, Jember
7. Airlangga University, Surabaya
8. Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta
9. Diponegoro University, Semarang
10. Jendral Soedirman University, Purwokerto
11. Hasanuddin University, Makassar
12. Sam Ratulangi University, Manado
13. Udayana University, Denpasar

Struktur National Board 2013-2014

International Board Officer 2013-2014

Saturday 5 October 2013

Study Trip 2013 Bali

It's a great pleasure for us to invite you, all of ALSA Indonesia members to attend and take part in this amazing ALSA event, ALSA Indonesia Study Trip 2013! Will be held on November, 24th - 30th 2013 and the venue will be on Bali, Indonesia. This time, the Main Theme is "Supporting Asian Integration: Harmonizing Intraregional Cooperation For Better Asia". So grab your chance and register yourself!
Hereby we attach you the information about how to be our honourable Delegate and Caretaker as well, contains of any information that you all need for those who are interested.

For more information, please do not hesitate to contact External Dept. thank you for your attention :)

ALSA Always Be One!

Contact Person: Indah Fuji Lestari (085277955951)
Agil Selviawan (082310071193)

ALSA Conference 2014 SINGAPORE: "Asian Integration" + Golden Ticket

Dear ALSA-ians,

The Organizing Committee have eagerly gathered up with creativity and dynamism for preparing this event. You will experience Singapore’s diverse food culture and have the opportunity to visit Universal Studios Singapore, nature trails, immersing themselves in Singapore’s vibrant city life.

The AC Singapore focuses on the theme of “Asian Integration”, aligned with the goals of regional cooperation such as the ASEAN Community 2015. Along with this, an international commercial arbitration moot competition will be held concurrently: the Herbert Smith Freehills – ALSA Moot Competition 2014. Interested? See the following information below.

Theme : Asian Integration
Date : January, 3rd – 8th 2014
Venue : National University of Singapore                                                                                
    Singapore Management University

Each country can send delegates up to 30 people. This number is open for the members, the mooters and the alumnus.

Key Dates
Deadline for Registration Submission : October, 16th 2013
Interview Session : October, 17th – 18th 2013
Notification of Acceptance : October, 19th 2013

Registration Fee
Pay the Registration Fee for S$650 (Singapore Dollars)
*Inclusive of accomodation, most meals, and transportation.
*Any cancelation will be charged in accordance with the committee policy.

So, what are  you waiting for? Send us your documents, which are:
  1. Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  2. Motivation Letter
  3. Legal Review/Memorials*
  4. Registration Form
  5. Letter of Capability and Permission (signed by your Parents)
  6. Letter of Recommendation by Director
  7. Contract of International Event (signed by the Participant and Director of LC)
*pick ONE according to the type of delegate that you choose

Send all of the documents to apply@alsaindonesia.org
 with this subject: AC_SINGAPORE2014_FULL NAME_LC
Example: AC_SINGAPORE2014_Bunga Mentari_LC ABC)

Was succesfully executed for ALSA Forum Philippines 2013, now ALSA National Chapter Indonesia offers you a FREE Ticket and Registration Fee to attend the other ALSA International Event as well.

We would like to refresh, what is Golden Ticket? Golden Ticket is one of extraordinary program from ALSA National Chapter Indonesia to help ALSA Members who need a financial support to attend ALSA International Event. With this Golden Ticket, ALSA gives its best appreciation for ALSA Members who are loyal and capable to attend the ALSA CONFERENCE 2014 in SINGAPORE which the applicant will be tested sharply and will be interviewed carefully by National Board.

It is only for 1 (one) luckiest person who can get this Golden Ticket to fly to ALSA Conference 2014 in Singapore. ALSA Indonesia will cover your:
  1. Flight Ticket (from your place – Jakarta – Singapore – Jakarta) : USD 550
  2. Registration Fee : S$ 650

Key Dates
Deadline for Registration Submission : October, 16th 2013
Interview : October, 17th -18th 2013
Notification of Acceptance : October, 19th 2013

  1. This program is merely to members of ALSA National Chapter Indonesia who have a financial shortage and never attend any of ALSA International Events.
  2. For members who are not eligible with this criteria, will be directly failed our preliminary inquiry and will not be considered.
  3. Each Local Chapter can only apply for 1 (one) applicant, if there’s more applicant in your LC, please have your own mechanism to make it down to 1 (one).

So, grab your chance to win the GOLDEN TICKET! Send us your documents, which are:
  1. Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  2. Motivation Letter (why do we have to give you the Golden Ticket)
  3. Legal Review (please see another attachment file)
  4. Registration Form
  5. Letter of Capability and Permission (signed by your Parents)
  6. Letter of Recommendation by Director (with a support testimony why he/she eligible to get this Golden Ticket)
  7. Letter of Recommendation by Faculty (the Faculty itself or one of the lecturers as an active student of your university)
  8. Contract of International Event (signed by the Participant and Director)
  9. Official Transcript Record (GPA, above 3,00)
  10.  Family Card (KK)
  11.  Parents’ Salary Receipt (from the office head or local village head)

Send all of the documents (soft copy) to: apply@alsaindonesia.org
With this subject: GT_SINGAPORE2014_FULL NAME_LC
Example GT_ SINGAPORE2014_Kamila Samara _LC ABC

So, do not hesitate to try because nobody knows what luck can brings to you. Good luck and let the one who deserves win this Golden Ticket!
For more information, please do not hesitate to contact External Dept. We are really looking forward to assemble a group of future leaders to represent ALSA Indonesia in the AF 2014. Thank you for your attention, see you!

ALSA Always Be One!

Monday 26 August 2013

ALSA Profil (Perkenalan UKM ALSA LC Unsyiah) - Video


Pembagian makanan untuk santap sahur yang dibagikan ke warga di TPA (Tempat Pembuangan Akhir) Kp. Jawa, Banda Aceh. Sahur On The Road dilakukan tanggal  02 Agustus 2013, bertepatan dengan malam ke-25 Ramadhan.

Foto bersama dijalan sebelum membagikan makanan
pembagian makanan


Pesantren kilat dan buka puasa bersama ini diadakan pada hari sama yaitu pada tanggal 26 Juli 2013. Pesantren kilat dilakukan pada pagi hari tepatnya pada pukul 09.00 s/d 11.30 WIB. peserta pesantren kilat ini adalah dari Rumah Panti Asuhan Media Kasih, Setui. Pada sore harinya dilakukan buka puasa bersama antara member ALSA LC UNSYIAH, demisioner, alumni dan dosen yang diundang sebagai penceramah.

Pesantren kilat
Foto bersama setelah buka puasa


Warung Ramadhan yang menjajalkan aneka takjil untuk berbuka dan sebagian hasil penjualan diperuntukkan untuk pemberian santunan di panti asuhan. Kegiatan ini juga untuk melatih jiwa kewirausahaan member ALSA LC Unsyiah. Warung Ramadhan ALSA 2013 dilakukan selama 10 hari sejak tanggal 16 Juli s/d 25 Juli 2013. Stand Warung Ramadhan ALSA 2013 terletak di depan PLN Lamprit, Banda Aceh.


Aneka takjil yang dihidangkan


LC VISIT UNHAS yang dilakukan dari tanggal 12 Juli s/d 13 Juli 2013. Visit ini dilakukan setelah acara Nasional Semworknas ALSA 2013. Dengan bertemakan "Make a friendship regardless of space and time".

Agenda yang dilakukan adalah:
1. LC Sharing
ini merupakan agenda yang dilakukan antara kedua LC, dimana para delegasi LC VISIT sharing tentang kondisi LC masing-masing, dan bertukar pikiran tentang bagaimana memajukan ALSA kedepannya di Internal masing-masing LC.
2. Law Study Club
Agenda lain dari LC VISIT adalah law study club, diantara kedua LC berdiskusi tentang kasus kronologi LP Tanjung Gusta, diharapkan dengan adanya diskusi ini para mahasiswa Fakultas Hukum sadar akan masalah yang krusial seperti contoh kasus LP Tanjung Gusta tersebut.
3. City Tour
Para delegasi melakukan perjalanan mengelilingi kota makassar yang pastinya dipandu oleh teman-teman dari LC UNHAS yang menerima kami dengan penuh kehangatan. Dan delegasi juga berkesempatan mengunjungi  wahana permainan Trans Studio Makassar.


Acara ini dilatarbelakangi karena gempa yang terjadi di aceh tengah 6,2 SR pada tanggal 2 Juli 2013, lalu ALSA mulai mengambil inisiatif untuk melakukan penggalangan dana pada tanggal 3 Juli 2013 s/d 14 Juli 2013 dengan membuka posko di depan Mesjid Raya Baiturrahman, Banda Aceh. Adapun sumbangan yang diterima berupa Uang, sandang, pangan, dan kebutuhan logistik serta dana yang diperoleh dari mengamen ke kafe-kafe.

Posko ALSA SOLIDARITY di depan Mesjid Raya Baiturrahman
Penyerahan bantuan dari ALSA LC UNSYIAH kepada Perwakilan desa Jerata, Ketol. 
Pendistribusian bantuan ke Gayo dilakukan bersama BEM FH, BEM FISIP, dan UKM Baskom FH di Desa Jerata, Ketol, Kab. Aceh Tengah.