Welcome to our big family :)

Pelantikan Local Board

ALSA LC Unsyiah


Universitas Gajah Mada


ALSA LC Unsyiah 2013-2014

Thursday 27 September 2012


ALSAians, ada info mengenai beasiswa ke Amerika Serikat! Silahkan dibaca :)

Global Undergraduate Exchange program

The Office of Academic Exchange Programs in the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U. S. Department of State is pleased to announce an exchange program for undergraduate students - The 2013 Global Undergraduate Exchange Program (Global UGRAD).                         
The Global UGRAD Program provides scholarships for one semester or one academic year of U.S. Study in a NON-DEGREE Program. The goals of the program are to provide a diverse group of emerging student leaders, from non-elite and underrepresented groups in Indonesia and East Asia.
All global UGRAD Program participants will be enrolled full-time in undergraduate course work chosen from the institution’s (US) existing curriculum to allow students ample opportunity for ongoing interaction with U.S. Faculty and student peers, and for exposure to U.S. academic and classroom culture.
To ensure that students succeed in their new academic environments, host institutions will offer tailored instruction on topics including academic research and writing, critical thinking, time management, note taking, and studying for and taking tests. Participants will live on campus with American peers.
Students will also be provided with opportunities to participate in up to ten hours of community service per semester. Additionally, an internship component will be offered to all academic-year participants during the academic component of the program. Internships will be related to each participant’s field of study and/or career plans.
Participants may be eligible for up to 4 weeks of intensive English Language instruction in the United States prior to the start of academic portion of their program.

  1. Scholarships will be granted to students who are currently enrolled in S-1 degree programs only, and have completed their first and up to the fifth semester of undergraduate study at an Indonesian university, by November 1, 2012. Please note that those who are in the sixth semester and above are not eligible to apply.
  2. Applicants should demonstrate leadership potential through academic work, community involvement, and extracurricular activities.
  3. Applicants must have a valid minimum ITP TOEFL score of 500 or IELTS 5.0 or IBT TOEFL score of 60/61. (TOEFL prediction or TOEFL-like score cannot be accepted).
  4. Preference will be given to those who have had little or NO experience in the U.S. or outside of their home countries.
  5. Applications can be for either for one semester or two semester based on nominee’s availability. No applications should be submitted for both one semester and two semester programs.
  6. Applicants are required to return to Indonesia after the completion of the program.

Submission of Applications
Please note that we do not accept emailed applications. An original application and two complete copies should be submitted or delivered to the address below by November 1, 2012:

CIMB Niaga Plaza Lt. 3
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 25
Jakarta 12920

Contact Information
Specific questions regarding the application process may be addressed via e-mail to the following address: \n
-->infofulbright_ind@aminef.or.id -->This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. -->.
The form can be downloaded here: 

Saturday 22 September 2012

R n D Department

R n D (Research and Development) Department
R&D Department itu bergerak dibidang  akademik yang bertujuan untuk menunjang akademik setiap member ALSA LC Unsyiah, meningkatkan kualitas member ALSA LC Unsyiah baik dalam perkuliahan maupun di luar perkuliahan.
Manager of Research and Development Department :
Mufia Bunaiya

Vice Manager of Research and Development Department :
Farah Elsa Nova

Head Division of English Club :
Melvi Salsabil

Head Division of Table Discussion :
Popi Karmila

Internal Department

Internal adalah sebuah departemen yang bertugas untuk mengatur dan menjaga hubungan antara para member dengan mengadakan kegiatan-kegiatan yang bersifat membangun keakraban dan juga kepedulian antar member terhadap ALSA. 

Manager of Internal Department :
Rio Rivandi
Vice Manager of Internal Department :

Head Division of Public Relation :
Reza Satria

Bertugas untuk Memberikan setiap informasi tentang kegiatan yang di lakukan oleh ALSA, dan Membuat,mengurus dan mengupdate facebook dan twitter ALSA LC UNSYIAH.

Head Division of Publicing and Creativity :
Wirda Anggrayni

Bertugas untuk membuat artikel-artikel yang dimuat di mading ALSA setiap bulannya. 
Selain itu, Art & Design juga bertugas untuk menerbitkan Newsletter ditiap periodenya


Head Division of Interest & Talent :
Muhammad Haris

Bertugas untuk mengkoordinasikan dan memfasilitasi minat dan bakat bagi setiap member

Funding Department

Funding Department adalah Departmen dibawah koordinasi Vice Director
Internal yang mengatur dan mengusahakan segala bentuk PENGHASILAN 
di dalam keorganisasian ALSA LC Unsyiah.
Funding menyediakan sumber daya, biasanya dalam bentuk uang, atau nilai-nilai lain
seperti produk2, relasi, atau bisnis-bisnis lainnya.

Manager of Funding Department : 
Maulana Arif Fadli

Vice Manager of Funding Department : 
Aris Munandar


Alumnus Affairs Department

Alumnus departement sebelumnya berada dibawah Internal Departement, bukan sebuah departement melainkan divisi. Namun semenjak berlangsungnya Musyawarah Lokal (MusLok)  ALSA ke V , didalam AD/ART  ALSA disepakatilah oleh forum untuk menjadikan divisi alumni menjadi sebuah Departement yang disebut dengan ALUMNUS AFFAIRS DEPARTEMENT..

Manager of Alumnus Affairs Department
Citra Dewi Keumala

Vice Manager of Alumnus Affairs Department
Ghigin Fitri Maresa

Friday 21 September 2012

International Structure Organization of ALSA 2012-2013

Sunday 16 September 2012


Oleh : Pratiwi Beguna Halim ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Sriwijaya
“Korupsi bukanlah tanda bahwa Negara kuat dan serakah. Korupsi adalah sebuah privatisasi– tapi yang selingkuh. Kekuasaan sebagai amanat publik telah diperdagangkan sebagai milik pribadi, dan akibatnya ia hanya merepotkan, tapi tanpa kewibawaan.” ― Goenawan Mohamad, Catatan Pinggir 7   Corruption is a product of the attitudes of [Read More]

Oleh : Husni Mubarak ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Diponegoro
Pendahuluan Tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa Industri pertambangan sektor Minyak dan Gas Bumi (Migas) memberikan keuntungan ekonomi dan penerimaan negara yang sangat besar bagi Indonesia. Migas merupakan sumber daya alam strategis – yang tidak dapat diperbaharui – dan sebagai sumber energi di negara ini dimana hasil dari [Read More]

Local Board

Director : Luna Fedrafaisya

Vice Director External : Muhammad Muazir

Vice Director Internal : Desra Hidayat

Secretary General : Moelly Mariska

Secretary I : Fachrizan Hakim

Treasures : Riza Zafita Riski

Manager Internal Department : Muhammad Ramadhan

Vice Manager Internal : Cut Raisha Yannas

Head Division Art and Design : Lucy Angela

Head Division Public and Relation : Ila Nabilla

Head Division Interest and Talent : Muhammad Haris

Manager Research and Development Department : Hisbah Rahmatan Putra

Vice Research and Development Department : Sofia Anggraini

Head Division English Club : Putri Mariati

Head Division Moot Court Coordinator : Ali Akbar

Head Division Table Discussion : Fadli Zulfahmi

Manager Alumnus Department : Nanda Maulina Safira

Vice Alumnus : Nurul Ramadhani

Manager Eksternal Department : Maulana Arif Fadli

Vice Manager Eksternal : Teuku Zikril Fallach

Head Division Information and Publication : Dita Sabila

Head Division Institutional Relation and Networking : Syarifah Rizka

Manager Funding Department : Eddy Mulya

Vice Funding : Mirza Fadhli


(Video) Pengenalan UKM ALSA LC UNSYIAH 2012

Saturday 15 September 2012


Jadilah bagian dari sejarah terbesar INTERNATIONAL ALSA LC VISIT pertama di Indonesia!
Berbanggalah menjadi bagian yang tak terlupakan ini.

Nama Anda akan tercatat dalam sejarah ALSA NATIONAL CHAPTER INDONESIA!

Kesempatan tidak datang 2 kai!
Sudah sering ikut acara Nasional?
Cobalah mengikuti agenda Internasional!

Untuk biaya bisa bervariasi, ada kemungkinan untuk menjadi lebih murah, karena kita bekerjasama dengan Travel Agent.
1. 20-24 orang  : Rp. 3.550.000,-
2. 25 orang       : Rp. 3.250.000,-
3. 30-34 orang  : Rp. 3.150.000,-
4. 35-39 orang  : Rp. 2.900.000,-
5. 40-42 orang  : Rp. 2.700.000,-

Kita juga ada Proposal, jadi kami dari panitia berusaha untuk menekan harga.
Kenapa kita bekerjasama dengan Travel Agent?

Mengingat kita akan mengadakan kunjungan ke luar negeri, maka kunjungan kita akan lebih terjamin dan lebih aman dengan adanya Travel Agent.

Jika dibandingkan dengan kegiatan nasional, maka INTERNATIONAL LC VISIT ini tergolong SANGAT MURAH!
Bandingkan dengan kegiatan misal di Jakarta, tiket pesawat PP SAJA : -+ Rp. 3.000.000,-
sedangkan ini hanya maksimal Rp. 3.550.000,- sudah mencakup:
Tiket Pesawat PP+Airtport Tax,
Tour Leader,
Bahkan Asuransi!

Kemana saja kita?
1. Ke ALSA LC UKM (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia)
2. Ke pusat pemerintahan Malaysia, Putra Jaya
3. Ke Kementerian Kehakiman Malaysia
4. Ke Mahkamah Rayuan (re : Mahkamah Agung)
5. Ke KLCC, Education Tour di Kuala Lumpur
6. Ke Singapura


Untuk Informasi lebih lanjut, hubungi :

Reza Juanda (0852 7722 9793)
Maulana Arif (0852 7648 6697)